Food 4 Thought.

10th October 2025

A World Homeless Day campaign, where hospitality companies raise money to donate meals to food banks and shelters.

Why are we doing this campaign?

  1. 27% increase in rough sleepers in the last year.
  2. 48% of people claiming Universal Credit ran out of food in the last month and could not afford to buy more.
  3. 15% of households are living in food insecurity, equivalent to 8 million adults and 3 million children!
  4. 3.12 million people used a food bank in the last year.

How does it work?

  1. To participate, you just need to raise £500; £300 will provide 100 meals, £200 will support the wellbeing of our members through our grants and tailored learning & development.
  2. Ensure your teams wear something yellow on the day to raise awareness.

In Partnership with.



If you would like to participate, please contact us using the contact form below: