Charities & Organisations.

Without our charity partners we wouldn’t be able to do what we do.

The support and collaboration allows Only A Pavement Away to not only succeed as a conduit to employment but also as a supporting framework in helping people regain stability in their lives.

In collaborating with our charity partners we provide those on the project with training, employment and housing.

Barnabus Manchester +
Beyond Food +
Booth Centre +
Breaking Barriers +
C4WS Homeless Project +
Caring For Ex Offenders
Caritas Anchor House +
Catch 22
Catching Lives +
Centrepoint +
CFO Activity Hubs +
Change Please +
Clink Charity +
Clock Tower Sanctuary
Crisis +
Department for Work and Pensions +
DWP Gloucestershire +
Emmaus +
Food Behind Bars +
Forces Employment Charity +
Groundwork +
Hackney Council
Haringey Council
Help for Heros
HMP Brixton +
HMP Bronzefield +
HMP Kirklevington Grange +
HMP Leyhill +
HMP Low Newton +
HMP Moorland +
HMP New Hall
HMP Standford-Hill +
HMP Swansea +
Homeless Link
Indoamerican Refugee & Migrant Organisation (IRMO) +
Julian House +
Key 4 Life +
London Training and Employment Network
Marylebone Project +
Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing +
Ministry of Justice
MK College
Mosaic Clubhouse +
Newway Project +
No Going Back +
Open Road +
Oswin Project +
Oxfordshire Homeless Movement +
Penrose +
People Matters
People Plus
Poppy Scotland
Princes Trust
Project Nova
Refugee Council +
Restart lives +
Rethink +
Robes +
Room to Reward +
Salvation Army +
Sapphire Independent Housing +
Shaw Trust
Single Homeless Project +
Solace +
Spear 30
Spitalfields Crypt Trust +
St Basils +
St Giles Trust +
St Martin's of Tours +
St Mungos
St Petrock +
Stand Out +
Stoll +
Streetlight +
Tempus Novo
Thames Reach
The Big Issue
The Feel Good Bakery +
The Not Forgotten
The Passage +
The Right Course
The Upper Room +
The Wallich +
Turning Tides
Upper Room +
Walking With The Wounded +
Well Grounded +
West Berkshire Homeless +
Weston College
Women At The Well +
Work Well +
Working Well Trust +
Yes Outdoors +

If you are interested in joining our network of Charities & Organisations, please contact